Listen to “How to Tell Chinese and Chinese-Americans Apart” on Spreaker.
I’ve had a lot of conversations with people in recent days due to racial sensitivities during the COVID-19 crisis. Part of the dust up started when President Trump referred to COVID-19 as the “Chinese virus.” I know a lot of people protested that this is racist. In my opinion, labeling it “Chinese virus” in it of itself is not racist but it does bring about some issues of stigmatization for anyone who is ethnically Chinese, like myself. Part of the issue is a lot of people have a hard time distinguishing someone who is of Chinese or Asian heritage who is American with someone who may be a citizen of China. We’ve had many friends who are Asian American report being harassed at grocery stores, who have had racial slurs yelled at them on the street and in some cases, some have been physically attacked. We decided to have a conversation on our Love, Discovery and Dim Sum Podcast about differences between Chinese Americans, Chinese and other Asian groups in hopes it helps better educate the public and can prevent hate towards anyone that looks Chinese.