On the Way Up ministries



Larissa Lam has led various workshops at conferences and churches. Each workshop is normally done in 45-90 minute slots. Popular workshops include:

1) Simple Rules for more Effective Worship
Worship style and song debates? Do your worship leaders feel burned out? Shortage of good musicians? Lack of rehearsal? Congregation not responding? This workshop addresses these questions and more as we discuss common misconceptions in leading music for worship. Learn simple, practical tips to get to the heart of worship instead of making it feel like “work”-ship.

2) Finding Your Purpose for God (also can be presented as Finding Your Artistic Purpose for God)
Do you have a talent but don’t know what to do with it? Do you have an
interest in something but don’t know how to make it a ministry? Are you trying to figure out your calling? This workshop will help individuals or groups match their passion, talent and life experience with ministry and missions.
Think outside the box about serving God, your church and community!

3) Christians in Arts and Media making an Impact
Should Christians watch mainstream TV and movies? Should Christians become actors and musicians?
This workshop discusses the impact of Arts and Media on culture and the role of Christians in Arts and Media. The importance of prayer for the arts and viewing mainstream media as a mission field will be explored. Examples of active ministries using arts and media and
resources related to this topic will be presented.


Workshops are great for larger groups, but more in-depth training requires more time and attention. Larissa Lam has consulted one-on-one and in groups in the following areas:

Worship Team training– Working with musicians to improve playing together and
advising in areas of sound, song selection, rehearsing and organization

Personal Ministry consultation – Helping individuals discover how to use their skills, passion and talent in ministry and/or career. Assisting in developing a ministry and/or business plan.

Vocal and performance coaching – Working with groups or individuals in voice training as well as helping improve stage presence.

Contact us to book a workshop, speaking or training.